Associate Professor
College of Resource Environment and Tourism, Capital Normal University
No. 105 West 3rd Ring Road North, Beijing 100048, China
Email: liu.ran.space@hotmail.com
Web: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Ran_Liu22
2009/08 - 2014/04,新加坡南洋理工大学,人文社科系,博士
2006/09 - 2009/06,中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所,城市研究室,硕士
2002/09 - 2006/06,华东师范大学,城市与区域经济系,学士
Ph.D., Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU), 2014
M.A., Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing (IGSNRR, CAS), 2009
B. S., East China Normal University, School of Urban and Regional Science, Shanghai (ECNU), 2006
2016/01 - 至今, 9001cc金沙以诚为本,资源环境与旅游学院,副教授
2014/11 – 2015/12,9001cc金沙以诚为本,资源环境与旅游学院,讲师
(2016/01 – present) Associate Professor, College of Resource Environment and Tourism, Capital Normal University, Beijing, China
(2014/11 – 2015/12) Lecturer, College of Resource Environment and Tourism, Capital Normal University, Beijing, China
1. 人口迁移与“城市化”
2. 城乡土地和住房产权
3. 后现代城市空间理论
4. 大都市区的典型社区
5. 人文地理学教学方法
Research Interests
1. Migration and urbanization process in the transitional China
2. Land and housing policy in the rural-urban territorial development
3. Post-modernism in urban space theory
4. Urban, peri-urban and rural communities in the metropolitan China
5. Epistemology, methodology and pedagogy in Human Geography
课程讲授 Teaching
1. 本科生课程《人文地理学-Human Geography》中文课、双语课、英文课
2. 本科生课程《城市社会地理- Urban Social Geography》双语课
3. 研究生课程《现代地理科学进展》
1. 2021/01 - 2024/12,国家自然基金面上项目(42071201),农业转移人口“市民化机会”的测度方法与空间分异,55万元,在研,项目负责人
2. 2020/01 - 2022/12,北京市哲学社会科学规划项目、北京市教育委员会人文社会科学研究计划重点项目(SZ202010028016),流动人口住房分层的时空特征及政策启示,25万元,在研,项目负责人
3. 2018/01 - 2020/12,国家自然基金青年项目(41701188),空间生产视角下的北京外来人口的迁居模式与公共服务策略研究,25万元,结题,项目负责人
4. 2016/07 - 2019/07,教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目(16YJCZH060),外来人口的社会-空间流动与空间正义研究,8万元,结题,项目负责人
5. 2016/01 - 2017/12,北京市优秀人才培养资助-青年骨干个人(2015000020124G095),中共北京市委组织部,结题,项目负责人
6. 2019/01 - 2021/12,9001cc金沙以诚为本“青年燕京学者培育对象”,20万元,在研,项目负责人
7. 2015/01 - 2017/12,9001cc金沙以诚为本“青年燕京学者培育对象”,20万元,结题,项目负责人
8. 2020年度美丽中国建设评估,中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所,结题,参与
9. 2013/01 - 2014/12,北部山区旅游产业带发展建设研究—打造北京山区游憩廊道建设新亮点,北京市发改委,20万元,结题,参与
10. 2014/01 - 2014/12,首都新型城镇化研究,9001cc金沙以诚为本-首都新农村社会与文化建设研究中心,结题,参与
11. 2011/01 - 2012/12,新加坡和法国巴黎的公共住房的区位选择及社会影响,新加坡南洋理工大学,结题,参与
12. 2009/01 - 2010/12,北京的住房再分配—从国家主导到市场主导,新加坡南洋理工大学,结题,参与
13. 2009/01 - 2010/12,《北京土地》,北京市国土资源局,结题,参与
14. 2008/01 - 2008/12,北京市密云县土地利用规划及新城调整规划,北京市密云县国土资源局,结题,参与
15. 2008/01 - 2008/12,四川省德阳市空间规划及震后重建规划,中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所,结题,参与
16. 2007/01 - 2007/12,天津市塘沽区社会经济可持续发展专题,中国城市规划设计研究院,结题,参与
Funded Grants
(2021/01 – 2024/12) “ Measurement and Regional Heterogeneity of the Citizenization Opportunities of Chinese Rural Migrants .” National Natural Science Foundation of China, 42071201, Principal Investigator, CNY 550,000
(2020/01 – 2022/12) “ The Tempo-Spatial Pattern and Policy Implication of Migrant Housing Choice Stratification .” Beijing Philosophy and Social Science Planning Program and Social Science Research Key Program of Beijing Municipal Commission of Education, SZ202010028016, Principal Investigator, CNY 250,000
(2018/01 – 2020/12) “ Study on the Residential Mobility and Public Service Strategies of Migrant Workers in Beijing .” Youth Foundation for National Natural Science Foundation of China, 41701188, Principal Investigator, CNY 250,000
(2016/07 – 2019/07) “ The Socio-Spatial Mobility and Rights Claims of Beijing’s Migrant Workers .” Youth Foundation for Humanities and Social Sciences, Ministry of Education of China, 16YJCZH060, Principal Investigator, CNY 80,000
(2016/01 – 2017/12) “ Beijing Outstanding Talent Project .” Organization Department of Beijing Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China, 2015000020124G095, Principal Investigator
(2019/01 – 2021/12) “ Young Yanjing Scholars Incubation Program of the Capital Normal University. ” Capital Normal University, Principal Investigator, CNY 200,000
(2015/01 – 2017/12) “ Young Yanjing Scholars Incubation Program of the Capital Normal University. ” Capital Normal University, Principal Investigator, CNY 200,000
代表论文 Scholarly Articles (* 标注通讯作者 indicates Corresponding Author)
(A)有关人口迁移与“城市化” Migration and urbanization process in the transitional China
1. 2020 “Migration and inequality in rental housing: Affordability stress in the Chinese cities.” Applied Geography , 115: 102-138. (SSCI一区, 本人第一作者,co-authored with Li Tingzhu and Greene Richard*)
2. 2019 “Hybrid tenure structure, stratified rights to the city: An examination of migrants’ tenure choice in Beijing.” Habitat International , 85: 41-52. (SSCI一区, 本人独立署名)
3. 2013 “Low-wage migrants in northwestern Beijing, China: The hikers in the urbanisation and growth process.” Asia Pacific Viewpoint , 54(3): 352-371. (SSCI一区, 本人第一作者,co-authored with Wong Tai-Chee*)
4. 2009 “新区转型期的人口挑战与应对”. 地域研究与开发 , 28(3): 140-144. (中文核心期刊CSSCI, 本人第一作者,共同署名:刘盛和*,杜红亮,繆艳萍)
(B)城乡土地和住房产权 Land & housing policy in the rural-urban territorial development
5. 2018 “Urban village redevelopment in Beijing: The state-dominated formalization of informal housing.” Cities , 72: 160-172. (SSCI一区, 本人第一作者,co-authored with Wong Tai-Chee*)
6. 2015 “The allocation and misallocation of economic housing in Beijing: Target groups versus market forces.” Habitat International , 49: 303-315. (SSCI一区, 本人第一作者,co-authored with Wong Tai-Chee*)
7. 2012 “Peasants’ counterplots against the state monopoly of the rural urbanization process: urban villages and “small property housing” in Beijing, China.” Environment and Planning A , 44: 1219-1240. (SSCI一区, 本人第一作者,co-authored with Wong Tai-Chee* and Liu Shenghe)
8. 2010 “城市化视角下北京农村居住用地非正规市场的形成机理”. 地理研究 , 29(8): 1355-1368. (中文核心期刊CSSCI, CSCD, 本人第一作者,共同署名:刘盛和*,黄大志)
(C)后现代城市空间理论 Post-modernism in urban space theory
9. 2017 “Developmental Urbanism, City Image Branding and the “Right to the City” in Transitional China.” Urban Policy and Research , 35(2): 210-223. (SSCI二区, 本人通讯作者,co-authored with Wong Tai-Chee)
(D)大都市区典型社区 Urban, peri-urban and rural communities in the metropolitan China
10. 2020 “The peri-urban mosaic of Changping in metropolizing Beijing: Peasants’ response and negotiation processes.” Cities , 107: 102932. (SSCI一区, 本人第一作者,co-authored with Wong Tai-Chee and Liu Shenghe)
11. 2020 “The state-led tourism development in Beijing’s ecologically fragile periphery: Peasants’ response and challenges.” Habitat International , 96: 1-15. (SSCI一区, 本人独立署名)
12. 2019 “Rural Tourism in Globalizing Beijing: Reproduction of the Mountainous Suburbs into a New Space of Leisure Consumption.” Sustainability , 11, 1719, doi:10.3390/su11061719. (SSCI二区, 本人第一作者,co-authored with Wong Tai-Chee*)
(E)人文地理学教学方法 Epistemology, methodology and pedagogy in Human Geography
13. 2019 “Comparing Geoinformation and Geography Students’ Spatial Thinking Skills with a Human-Geography Pedagogical Approach in a Chinese Context”. Sustainability , 11, 5573, doi:10.3390/su11205573. (SSCI二区, 本人第一作者,co-authored with Greene Richard, Li Xiaojuan*, Wang Tao, Lu Minghua and Xu Yanhua, 教学方法研究论文Pedagogical Research Paper)
14. 2019 “A GIS Approach to Teaching Human Geography”. Paper presented at the International Workshop on Geospatial and Cartographic Education: Contemporary Challenges and Opportunities 2019, Organized by the International Cartographic Association (ICA) Commission on Education and Training, Capital Normal University, Beijing, China (会议论文, 本人第二作者,co-authored with Greene Richard, 教学方法研究Pedagogical Research)
(F)指导研究生发表论文 Graduate Students Supervised and Paper Publication
15. 2021 于颖-2018级硕士研究生,“流动人口住房自有率及购房意愿率的空间格局及影响因素”, 9001cc金沙以诚为本学报(自然科学版) . (本人通讯作者)
16. 2020 曹宇婷-2019级硕士研究生,“Urban Land Regulation and Heterogeneity of Housing Conditions of Inter-Provincial Migrants in China”. Land , 9, 428, doi:10.3390/land9110428. (SSCI二区, 本人通讯作者)
17. 2020 曹宇婷-2019级硕士研究生,“Spatial Heterogeneity of Housing Space Consumption in Urban China: Locals vs . Inter-and Intra-Provincial Migrants”. Sustainability , 2020, 12, 5206, doi:10.3390/su12125206. (SSCI二区, 本人通讯作者)
18. 2020 李庭竹-2017级硕士研究生,“流动人口租房压力的空间分异及机理分析”, 地域研究与开发 . (中文核心期刊CSSCI, 本人通讯作者)
19. 2019 李庭竹-2017级硕士研究生,“Regional Heterogeneity of Migrant Rent Affordability Stress in Urban China: A Comparison between Skilled and Unskilled Migrants at Prefecture Level and Above”. Sustainability , 11, 5920, doi:10.3390/su11215920. (SSCI二区, 本人通讯作者)
20. 2019 刘媛媛-2016级硕士研究生,“北京市流动人口的社区选择及居留意愿研究”, 9001cc金沙以诚为本学报(自然科学版) . (本人通讯作者)
图书出版 Authored and Coauthored Books
1. 2020 Chapter 35, “Right to the City versus Neoliberal Urbanism in Globalizing Cities in China”, in Leary-Owhin, Michael and McCarthy John, eds., Routledge Handbook of Henri Lefebvre, the City and Urban Society (1 st Edition) . London: Routledge. (本人第一作者,co-authored with Wong Tai-Chee*)
2. 2018 北京市流动人口聚居区与非正规住房市场研究 [Migrant Communities and Informal Housing Market in Beijing]. 中国建筑工业出版社China Architecture & Building Press,北京Beijing. (合著:刘盛和,刘冉,赵美凤;co-authored with Liu Shenghe and Zhao Meifeng)
3. 2018 Chapter 6, “Transport regulatory measures and the growth of Chinese city regions: A re-examination of the Beijing metropolitan area”, in Han Sun Sheng and Lin Wen Qi, eds., Healthy Future Cities . China Architecture & Building Press, Beijing. (本人第二作者,co-authored with Wong Tai-Chee)
4. 2018 第六章,中国城市区域的发展和交通管制策略:重新审视北京都市区. 韩笋生,林文棋主编, 《健康的未来城市》 . 中国建筑工业出版社,北京(本人第二作者,共同署名:黄大志)
5. 2015 Spatial Mobility of Migrant Workers in Beijing, China. London, Springer.
个人英文专著包括Springer出版社2015年硬皮版和网络版、2016年再版简装版。2016年被国家图书馆“海外中国问题研究资料中心”收录。国际SSCI期刊 Environment and Urbanization 为本书推介。该专著计314页,分八个篇章,介绍北京流动人口的市内迁居。(个人英文专著)
6. 2015 Chapter 7, “Managing Urban Informalities in China: Beijing Municipality’s Style of Governance Towards Its Urban Villages”, in Wong Tai-Chee, Han Sun Sheng and Zhang Hongmei, eds., Population Mobility, Urban Planning and Management in China . London, Springer. (本人独立署名)
7. 2010 摘要,城市化视角下北京农村居住用地非正规市场研究. 中国地理学会百年庆典学术论文摘要集(1909-2009) ,北京(本人第一作者,共同署名:刘盛和*)
学术会议汇报 Conference Presentations
1. 2019 “探讨人口迁移与租房不均衡性:流动人口租房压力的空间异质性分析” 。汇报并点评。2019年中国地理学大会暨中国地理学会成立110周年,2019.11.03,中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所,北京
2. 2019 “Migration and Inequality in Rental Housing: Affordability Stress in the Chinese City” . IGU Urban Commission – 2019 Annual Conference, 4th to 10th August 2019. Luxemburg University, Luxemburg.
3. 2019 “Hybrid tenure structure, stratified rights to the city: An examination of migrants' tenure choice in Beijing” . 2019 International Conference on China’s Urban Development, June 28-29, 2019, Peking University—Lincoln Institute Center for Urban Development and Land Policy, Beijing, China.
4. 2019 “ 北京流动人口的住房产权分层结构及其政策启示 ” 。2019年中国人口地理学术年会。2019年6月22日-23日,北京大学中关新园,北京
5. 2019 9001cc金沙以诚为本资源环境与旅游学院“地理学国际青年学者论坛”的人文地理分场主持,2019.12.4,9001cc金沙以诚为本,北京
6. 2018 “Urban village redevelopment in Beijing” . 2018 IGU Urban Geography Commission Annual Meeting. 2018.8.14. Montreal, Canada.
7. 2018 “The peri-urban mosaic of Changping in metropolizing Beijing” . 2018 IGU Regional Conference and Annual Meeting of the CAG. 2018.8.7. Quebec, Canada.
8. 2015 “Rural tourism in globalizing Beijing” . The 10th China-Japan-Korea Joint Conference on Geography & the 1st Asian Conference on Geography. October 9-12, 2015. Shanghai, China.
9. 2012 “What Did Migrants Gain from the Neoliberalization of Urban Space? A Survey Study of Migrants’ Mobility History in Beijing’s Peri-Urban Villages” . AAG Meeting. February 24-28, 2012. New York.
10. 2010 “The Spatial Shifts of Beijing’s Low-Income Residents during the Transitional Era: 1980s to the Present” . Southeast Asian Geography Association (SEAGA) Meeting. Hanoi, Vietnam.
1. 2020,本科教学建设与改革项目(教学改革研究)优秀项目,9001cc金沙以诚为本
2. 2018,案例研究奖,美国规划院校联合会,美国林肯土地政策研究院
3. 2018,暑期社会实践活动“优秀指导教师”,9001cc金沙以诚为本
4. 2017,第七届钱学森城市学金奖提名奖
Honors and Awards
(2020) “ Higher Education Pedagogies Research and Course Construction Excellence ”, Capital Normal University
(2018) “ Case Study Award ”, Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning (ACSP), the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, USA
(2018) “ Excellence Teaching in the Summer Social Practice Courses ”, Capital Normal University
(2017) “ Gold Medal Award Nomination for Qian Xuesen Urbanology ”, China
1. 2018 – 2022,中国地理学会 人口地理专业委员会委员
2. 2019 – 2023,中国地理学会 青年工作委员会委员
3. 英文图书出版评审:Palgrave Macmillan出版社等
4. 期刊论文审稿: Cities , Applied Geography , Urban Studies , Urban Geography , Habitat International , Urban Forestry & Urban Greening , Sustainable Cities and Society , Journal of Geographical Sciences , International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health , Land , Sage Open , 地理学报,地理研究,地球信息科学学报,资源科学等
Professional Affiliations and Services
1. 2018 - 2022, Committee Member of the Demographic Geography Group, the Geographical Society of China (GSC)
2. 2019 - 2023, Committee Member of the Youth Working Group, the Geographical Society of China (GSC)
3. English Book Publication Reviewer: Palgrave Macmillan
4. Journal paper referee: Cities , Applied Geography , Urban Studies , Urban Geography , Habitat International , Urban Forestry & Urban Greening , Sustainable Cities and Society , Journal of Geographical Sciences , International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health , Land , Sage Open , 地理学报,地理研究,地球信息科学学报,资源科学